Rewording last post for clarity: What is the official recommendation for the following customizations of the Editor?

Last post 02-16-2006, 6:39 PM by obiwantcp. 4 replies.
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  •  02-16-2006, 4:14 PM 16019

    Rewording last post for clarity: What is the official recommendation for the following customizations of the Editor?

    I thought I'd reword for clarity. As mentioned before we are trying to use Cute Editor as a email body editor. Cute Editor will be part of a email composition program so users can benefit from Cute Editor's friendliness and polish during their email composition tasks. I read the two CHM files documenting Cute Editors and understand what the Templating, File Upload, and Image Uploads can do.

    At the moment I am assuming all Templates, Images, and Files are uploaded to the same folder within a ASP.NET Server. You and I can both see each other's files. And the file names are as named when uploaded.

    Our system need to maintain security and privacy for each registered users and this scheme of referencing files may not serve. We thought it would be nice if

    1) It would be nice if the file names are made semi-random by prepending some random characters Example: "#DATE#-#random#-Filename.xml like 20060216-X285F154-Filename.xml". 

    Result: By providing all of these customizations one user shouldn't accidentally stumble across another's uploads. And the file names are still reasonably english-like that the user won't be confused.

    Provided there are no such hooks, I have the following idea: A windows daemon that watches the upload folders and rename files accordingly.

    2) It would be nice if each user has a separate folder.

    3) It would be nice if we can hook the authentication to our application. So our database can tell Cute Editor which Upload folders (be it for templates, images, or files) to make visible to the user.

    Are there any docs or help we can get regarding this?

    -- David
  •  02-16-2006, 4:30 PM 16025 in reply to 16019

    Re: Rewording last post for clarity: What is the official recommendation for the following customizations of the Editor?

    Hey, it looks like I can create my own folders per user profile, and then direct the Editor to use them per user profile:

    Create a custom folder (example: #Domain#-#RandomText#-UserName): like /CompanyX-2FK12K-User1/ 
    Editor1.SetSecurityImageGalleryPath = "~/CompanyX-2FK12K-User1/uploads" (exact syntax specified in doc). Is this the pattern recommended by CuteSoft? It would be good enough for me.
    There's another thing worth noting. We want to have the concept of Super Users and Users. Super Users can create templates, I understand that Cute Editor supports the creation of non-editable templates (very cool) through tag attributes and we will use that. But it would be nice to pull this off by looking up a custom rights table in the DB. Please let us know if this is possible. And this brings up another issue: How do we show a folder of publically sharable templates created by the Super Users as well as show a table of privately created templates (and privately viewable) created by the regular User? The clunky work-around I am thinking of is to write a daemon to replicate a copy of the "public templates" to each private users' folders. Example: ~/CompanyX-2FK12K-User1/Templates/Public/.
    It would be important that this folder is not mutable. Users shouldn't be able to delete or edit things. They can always copy it to their private folder and attempt to change the copy. And again it would be nice to be able to tag certain "master templates" as not mutable.
    Yeah... a lot of specs.. but can we do it with Cute Editor? The docs are a little sparse or maybe I am not looking in the right section.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    -- David
  •  02-16-2006, 4:32 PM 16027 in reply to 16025

    Re: Rewording last post for clarity: What is the official recommendation for the following customizations of the Editor?

    Just let you know I am working on your issue and will post an update within 10 minutes.
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  •  02-16-2006, 4:36 PM 16028 in reply to 16027

    Re: Rewording last post for clarity: What is the official recommendation for the following customizations of the Editor?

  •  02-16-2006, 6:39 PM 16038 in reply to 16028

    Re: Rewording last post for clarity: What is the official recommendation for the following customizations of the Editor?

    Good stuff Adam, thank you for looking into this. I will check out this idea.
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