TextArea scroll height problem

Last post 11-24-2005, 9:40 AM by Pintod. 2 replies.
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  •  11-23-2005, 1:08 PM 12936

    TextArea scroll height problem

    I want to know how much height to set the cuteEditor so that I don't get any scrolling to see text. How can I do that. I think I will need the textArea scrollHeight for that. How do we get that???
  •  11-24-2005, 4:03 AM 12972 in reply to 12936

    Re: TextArea scroll height problem

    Maybe I'm not gettig it righ.

    Did you mean that you dont want to have scroller on right side of editor?
    If so, I think there is no way to do that if your text is dinamicaly inserted. I mean, if you sometimes enter 100 chars and sometimes 4000. 

    There is little + and - icons at the bootom of control to increese or decrese size of textarea.
  •  11-24-2005, 9:40 AM 12982 in reply to 12972

    Re: TextArea scroll height problem

    Hi Bubbi:
          We have hidden the +/- icons for cosmetic reasons. Now instead we have the following resize logic. How do we write that in cute Editor. 
    If the text length is 3 lines or less then show minimum 3 lines of text. Else if text length is greater than 3 lines expand the cuteEditor to such a height such that all the lines are visible without scrollbar.
    Hope it's clear now. Please send me your feedback on how this can be implemented using cuteEditor.
    Thanks and regards,
    Don P.
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