Automatic going to next line.

Last post 11-24-2005, 3:57 AM by Bubbi. 3 replies.
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  •  11-23-2005, 12:24 PM 12930

    Automatic going to next line.

    Hi Adam:
         Currently say user types 400 characters continously. We don't go to next line the moment we hit the edge of the cuteeditor.
    Say for example:
    I see a horizontal scrollbar and it allows user to go on and on. Instead when hit the edge it should add vertical scroll bar and go to next line.  How can I get that done.
    Thanks and regards,
    Don P.
  •  11-23-2005, 12:43 PM 12934 in reply to 12930

    Re: Automatic going to next line.

    I want something like multiline. Don't wait for the user to hit enter key and goto next line. When text hits TextArea border just goto next line.
  •  11-23-2005, 1:27 PM 12938 in reply to 12934

    Re: Automatic going to next line.

    This is called as wordWrap property. Do you have that in cuteEditor ? Please tell us the workaround if not.
    Thanks and regards,
    Don P.
  •  11-24-2005, 3:57 AM 12971 in reply to 12938

    Re: Automatic going to next line.

    You CANNOT use wordwrap if you dont have space anywhere. Space is obligatory char ofr word wrap to function. And cuteeditor has that. If you want that control insert newline in the middle of text (with no spaces) then you will probably have to write your own function for that because computer does not know where you want new line and where to insert new line in that spaceless text.
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