For anyone thats interested, I've come across a code snippet (found online) that I have modified that seems to work better than the function that Adam offered.
In the _Format function in WinIE.js, add the following case statement...
case "FontStyleSize":
checkRange(editing.EditorID); // get the focus and text range
var fontArray = editor.all.tags("FONT");
for (i = 0; i < fontArray.length; i++)
if (fontArray[i].face == 'RandomGarbageToCheckAgainst')
fontArray[i].face = "";
fontArray[i].style.fontSize = szValue;
fontArray[i].outerHTML = fontArray[i].outerHTML.replace(/face=['"]+/, "");
And when creating the custom dropdownlist....
temp.Attributes.Add("OnChange", "_Format('body','FontStyleSize',this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);this.selectedIndex=0;");
Where 'temp' is the custom dropdownlist and 'body' is the id of the CuteEditor
Hopefully this will be helpful for others.