issue with opening of child window in version 5.

Last post 10-20-2005, 6:19 PM by gurpreet. 2 replies.
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  •  10-20-2005, 5:09 PM 11893

    issue with opening of child window in version 5.

    Before we was using CuteSoft version 4, in that we was opening child window from the parent window, both windows was having cute editor in them.

    In that case Child window was opening perfectly on the top of the parent, and also the size(width) of the cute editor in the child windows always use to remain the same, every time it opens.

    But now as we using CuteSoft version 5, in this the child window is not opening on the top of the parent window or you can say child window is loosing its focus.

    And also the width of the cute editor in the child window is not same always, it some time shrinks.

  •  10-20-2005, 5:41 PM 11896 in reply to 11893

    Re: issue with opening of child window in version 5.

    That example has been rewritten.
    Please check this link:
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  •  10-20-2005, 6:19 PM 11901 in reply to 11896

    Re: issue with opening of child window in version 5.

    Yaa I think we are fine when we are using JavaScript  in parent window to open child window, or we can say when we use “input type=button”
    <input type="button" value="Edit In CuteEditor" onclick="popupCuteEditor('f1','t1')">

    but in our case we are using asp button.
    <asp:Button  id=”view”  runat=”server” onclick=”view”>

    so in this case child window is loosing its focus, when we try to open it from the parent window,
    and also please note that we are using cute editor in the parent window.
    Here is the code I am using to open it :
    protected void view(object Src, EventArgs E)
    Response.Write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>");
    Response.Write("var winprops height=685,width=805,top=15,left=105,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no';");
    Response.Write("var win ='AlViewEmailContent.aspx?co_id=" + m_sCompanyId + "', 'viewWin', winprops);");
    Response.Write("if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)");
    and also child window was opening fine in version 4 , with same code.
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