Strange characters on popup property windows

Last post 10-05-2005, 12:28 PM by beckerben. 3 replies.
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  •  09-24-2005, 12:22 AM 10982

    Strange characters on popup property windows

    The cute editor was functioning ok and now when I go to click on a property window from right click or on anything that generates a popup, I get garbage characters in the window that opens up.  I tried clearing my local cache and have discovered it is happening to everyone who tries to edit.
  •  09-24-2005, 3:12 PM 10994 in reply to 10982

    Re: Strange characters on popup property windows

    I figured out that this was happening as a result of the blowery compression module that I had installed.  For whatever reason, this appears to be the only side effect of it.  I have since disabled it and the strange garbage characters on the popup are gone.
    I still have the problem however of registered users do not see the full editor, all they see is the minimal configuration. Anyone else seeing this?
  •  10-05-2005, 10:57 AM 11420 in reply to 10994

    Re: Strange characters on popup property windows

    This post was solving this issue for me:
  •  10-05-2005, 12:28 PM 11425 in reply to 11420

    Re: Strange characters on popup property windows

    Thank you, I will test this method out.  I disabled the blowery compression module in the short term, but would really like to use it to increase performance on my site.  Thank you!
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