The following guide shows the steps to implement a Cute Chat and Web messenger
into DotNetNuke 4.x application. If you haven't downloaded the software, please
download the software copy from
Modify web.config file and Specify the CuteChat.DataDirectory
<add key="CuteChat.DataDirectory" value="DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat" /> </appSettings>
Install the PA
- Login to your DotNetNuke web site as host, go to the host menu and select the Module Definitions.
- Choose Upload New Module from the actions menu, Click the "Browse" button.
- Browse to, press the Add and then the Upload New File link.
Deployment files to the DotNetNuke solution.
The Global.asax.cutechat.vb file under App_Code folder should be deployed to App_Code directory of your DNN installation.
The license files (cutechat.lic, CuteMessenger.lic) under bin folder should be deployed to bin directory of your DNN installation.
Now the following four modules will be installed and you can place them on any DNN page.
- CuteChat standard mode (You need to log in as "admin", click the "Chat Admin" button and add rooms.)
- CuteChat embed mode
- CuteMessenger standard mode
- CuteMessenger embed mode