All chat rooms of Cute Chat can be added to web pages in embed mode. If a chat room is added to a web page in embedded mode all users opening that page will automatically enter the chat room.
To emebd a chat room, you need to know the LocationId of this chat room.
The following example embeds a chat room into a web page. The LocationId of this chat room is 1. You can modify this example to meet your own requirements.
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteChat" TagName="EmbedChannel" src="cutesoft_client/cutechat/embedchannel.ascx" %>
<head runat=server>
<title>Embed CuteChat </title>
//set up the parameters
<CuteChat:EmbedChannel id="EmbedMessenger1" runat="server"></CuteChat:EmbedChannel>
How to get LocationId of my chat room?
Every Chat room of Cute Chat is identified by LocationId. If you don't know the LocationId of your chat room, please open the chat room in standard mode.

The LocationId of the chat room can be easily found in the URL.