Benefits of Cute Chat Software
Businesses and organizations the world over are gaining significant advantages and experiencing a tremendous return on their investment by implementing Cute chat software and instant messaging applications as part of their internal and external communication strategy.
Implement Cute chat on your Web site or at your organization and experience a number of remarkable benefits:
Boost Web site traffic
To boost the web sites traffic, many businesses and organizations have implemented our Cute chat software so that web surfers will return to their web sites frequently in
order to chat with other users.
Generate revenue with moderated chat and advertising solutions
Businesses can embed banner ads in the Cute Chat room and expose users to targeted information and services. Hundreds of dating sites and enterprises worldwide host revenue generating, Member's Only celebrity chat events and online conferences using our moderated chat feature.
Case III - Moderated or Celebrity Chat Events
Chat room moderators have complete control over an ongoing chat session; they can approve or discard messages before they reach the audience.
When you moderate a room, all user messages are sent to the moderator window message queue. Highlight a message and click the Approve button (green) to have this message posted to the audience. Click the Discard button (red) to remove the message from the queue, without posting it.