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  • Re: CuteEditor In a Child Window

    mgjunk, &nbsp; I just wrote a fix for this. It works. You can test it in our online demo. &nbsp; Please check it out. &nbsp; Dad.asp &lt;HTML&gt; &lt;HEAD&gt; &lt;SCRIPT&gt; function popupCuteEditor(v_form, v_field) { &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; var newWin, v_pagestring; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;w = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on February 23, 2004
  • Re: Save instance?

    emma, &nbsp; There is nothing special about saving data to the database on our CuteEditor control &nbsp;than a regualr textbox. &nbsp; In your codebehind or server side code,&nbsp; just retrieve your data from cuteeditor1.text property and add the data to your event handler on this Page is used to save/ the text changes to the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 23, 2004
  • Re: Modify Insert Link Dialog

    mgordon, &nbsp; You don't have to inherit CuteEditor.Include.insert_link class. You can create your own file based on the insert_link.aspx &nbsp;file. &nbsp; ''but then the dialog title, labels and buttons have no text value because the reference to the CuteEditor.Include.insert_link class has been broken.'' &nbsp; The reason we need that ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 23, 2004
  • Re: MAJOR shortcoming with hyperlink button

    sgilboy, &nbsp; Thanks for the code. Can you post your style sheet as well? &nbsp; Adam, any chance you may point out where a little fix can be made to filter out directories like ''_vti_cnf'' in the image gallery stuff?&nbsp; or is that inside the DLL&nbsp; (i could look but its a heck of a lot of code, lol) &nbsp; That's inside the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 23, 2004
  • Re: StyleDropdown for paragraphs

    Sem, &nbsp; You can change your paragraph styles. &nbsp; Here is the example. You can find the exmaple code in the download package as well. &nbsp; &nbsp;'A list of strings for the paragraph dropdownlist. editor.ParagraphsList = ''Normal,Heading 1,Heading 2,Heading 3,Formatted,Definition Term'' 'A list of fonts for the font face ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on February 21, 2004
  • Re: MAJOR shortcoming with hyperlink button

    sgilboy, &nbsp; I just wrote a fix for this. And I've tested it. It works. You can test it in our online demo. &nbsp; In WinIE.js, you will find the following code from line 481 to line 494. &nbsp; if (FSrc&amp;&amp;(selectedRange.htmlText != '''')) { &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 21, 2004
  • Re: integrating into dotnetnuke

    jgoldsack, &nbsp; Can you post more details?&nbsp; Or can you post your code here? &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 21, 2004
  • Re: MAJOR shortcoming with hyperlink button

    sgilboy, &nbsp; You Have A Good Point. Revjon's FreeTextBox uses a built-in MSHTML function to handle insert link (CuteEditor uses this feature in the earlier version as well). &nbsp; Due to the limitation of this built-in function, we decided to create a pop-up windows to allow the end users specify the new windows, the link color, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 21, 2004
  • Re: "Fancy" Paragraph drop-down

    VB: &nbsp; &nbsp;Editor1.FontFacesList = new string() {''Arial'',''Verdana'',''Georgia''} &nbsp; &nbsp;Editor1.ParagraphsList = new string() {''Normal'',''Heading 1'',''Heading 2''}
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 21, 2004
  • Re: Enable all, then programatacally adding the buttons you dont want??

    emma, &nbsp; The template names for those buttons are ImageGallery,ImageGalleryByBrowsing,EditRow,EditCell. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 21, 2004