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  • Re: Thumbnail not created

    MichaelCaditz, &nbsp; I think you found a bug. &nbsp; For some reason, it doesn't work. &nbsp; We will fix that in the next release.
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on September 29, 2004
  • Re: Need help to use templates

    pnr, &nbsp; The templates are the static html files with the predefined html code. &nbsp; &gt;&gt; I want to load a template into cuteEditor when it is loaded, how do i do that? &nbsp; You can use the&nbsp; Editor.LoadFile&nbsp;Method&nbsp;( Loads the contents of a file into the CuteEditor control) &nbsp; string FileData = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 28, 2004
  • Re: Install problems

    &nbsp;MichaelCaditz wrote:&nbsp; 1. I do not see any code behind pages in the&nbsp;;file I downloaded&nbsp;. Where are they located? The code in those .aspx&nbsp; pages make no reference to code behind pages. When I add the .aspx pages I downloaded (imageupload1.aspx, imageupload2.aspx etc.) to my visual project, ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on September 28, 2004
  • Re: Javascript find in DHTML editor?

    MrJones, &nbsp; Are you working on creating a custom button for this search ability? &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 28, 2004
  • Re: Install problems

    MichaelCaditz, &nbsp; &gt;&gt; 1. Why is there both imageupload1.aspx and imageupload2.aspx? Which one is used? Imageupload1 does not seem to have any content. &nbsp; Imageupload1.aspx is not empty. The server side code is included in the code-behind page. &nbsp; &gt;&gt; 2. Why am I getting the runtime error ''Name getstring not ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on September 28, 2004
  • Re: £ signs

    Toby, &nbsp; Which version are you using? are you using the version 3.0? &nbsp; Please go to your browser tools &gt;&gt; internet options &gt;&gt; Langauages &gt;&gt;? &nbsp; and tell me your browser language setting.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 28, 2004
  • Re: Problems with the font verdana in the editor

    Thanks guys. &nbsp; We figured out that's a bug. &nbsp; We will fix this bug in the next release. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 28, 2004
  • Re: Problem with editor.ImageGalleryPath variable

    koge, &nbsp; Step 1: &nbsp; Try create a test folder uner your wwwroot: &nbsp; 'imagepath = ''/'' &amp; variable ''/images'' &nbsp; imagepath = ''/test /images'' editor.ImageGalleryPath = imagepath &nbsp; And test again &nbsp; &nbsp; Step 2: &nbsp; Change the following code from: &nbsp; 'imagepath = ''/'' &amp; variable ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on September 28, 2004
  • Re: Accessing imageeditgrid

    Nina, &nbsp; ..... Protected WithEvents&nbsp;gallery1 As DotNetGallery.Gallery .... &nbsp; ' modify the property in the code-behind page gallery1.ShowThumbNailName=true gallery1.ShowThumbNailSize=false gallery1.ShowThumbNailDate=false gallery1.ShowThumbNailDescription=true gallery1.FolderPath = ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on September 27, 2004
  • Re: CuteEditor for ASP doesn't work with IE 5.5?

    richardm, &nbsp; Thanks for sharing the code!! &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on September 27, 2004