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  • Re: Javascript error after installing.

    joshkerr, &nbsp; Please post your html source (right-click and view source) &nbsp; You can find the following code: &nbsp; &lt;script language=''JavaScript'' SRC=''/Cute/Scripts/WinIE.js''&gt;&lt;/script&gt; &nbsp; Does your WinIE.js exist? &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on October 7, 2004
  • Re: Javascript error after installing.

    joshkerr, &nbsp; Please check your editor.FilesPath&nbsp; property. Make sure the CuteEditor_Files folder exists. &nbsp; Dim editor Set editor = New CuteEditor 'Create a new editor class object 'Set the ID of this editor class editor.ID = ''Editor1'' 'editor.Culture = ''fr'' 'Set the initial HTML value of editor control editor.Text ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on October 7, 2004
  • Re: ChangeAbsoluteUrlToRelative issue...

    RobertNZana,&nbsp;When you create a link, Internet Explorer converts all URLs in hyperlinks (anchor tags) and images (img tags) to absolute URLs. &nbsp;http://yoursitename/virtualdirectory/page.aspx&nbsp; When ChangeAbsoluteURLsToRelative property is set to true (the default), CuteEditor strips out the local server name from all A and IMG tags if ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 7, 2004
  • Re: No content in any pop-up windows (insert table, insert link, insert emoticons, etc.)

    Jesper, &nbsp; Parent Paths allows you to use '..' in calls to MapPath and the like. By default this option is enabled. But some hosts disable this for security reason. &nbsp; CuteEditor for ASP uses the '..' in the version 3.0. We noticed this is a HIGH priority issue for many users. I hope we can find a solution by tomorrow. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on October 6, 2004
  • Re: Unsupported control type in DataGrid column

    George, &nbsp; where&nbsp;did you implement the following methods: &nbsp; OnUpdateCommand=''ds_common_sense_edit.OnDataGridUpdate'' OnEditCommand=''ds_common_sense_edit.OnDataGridEdit''&nbsp;OnPageIndexChanged=''ds_common_sense_edit.OnDataGridPageIndexChanged'' OnCancelCommand=''ds_common_sense_edit.OnDataGridCancel'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 5, 2004
  • Re: Problem Loading Rich Text Files

    &nbsp; tomm, Right now Cute Editor doesn't support save the html content to RTF format. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 5, 2004
  • Re: How to obtain current version

    Email us at&nbsp; &nbsp; Please include&nbsp;the email address used for purchasing in your email and we will take care of the rest.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Adam on October 4, 2004
  • Re: Licensing question

    Sidewinder, &nbsp;You can use the software on any machine via http://localhost/ for development purposes. However if the web server is accessed using another hostname (i.e. it is a shared server) then you need to buy a copy for it. This means each of your development servers and test servers must have its own license. &nbsp; In your situation, ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on October 4, 2004
  • Re: Avoid Html Tag Auto-Formatting, HowTo?

    KenA, &nbsp; &nbsp; When I change modes from Normal view to Html view in CE, it automatically re-formats all Html code, plus it also Upcases all Html tags, eg, &lt;br&gt; is formatted to &lt;BR&gt; &nbsp; I believe it's not really a CE issue, but it happens because of the way IE deals with TextArea content, right? &nbsp; All the online ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 1, 2004
  • Re: DNN Integration and Username

    qsnow, &nbsp; Please check the &nbsp; CuteChat &gt;&gt; Toolkit &gt;&gt; Solution &gt;&gt; CuteChat.DotNetNukeLib &gt;&gt;&nbsp; SqlDataProvider.cs and UserIdentityAdapter.cs &nbsp; Those two files show you how the CuteChat integrate with the DotNetNuke portal. &nbsp; Keep me posted
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on September 30, 2004