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  • Re: Can't install CuteChat on Webserver!

    ''All rights reserved'', 1. Can you create a new user name? ''All rights reserved'' is not a good user name for this forum. 2. Step 8. Open the Tools/CuteChatConfig.exe. Type in the connection string, then click the load button.&#160;Are you sure you the connection string you typed is correct? Is your site online? Can you send the SQL Server ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on March 19, 2005
  • Re: Search function not working in forums

    We have fixed this problem.&#160;The search function is working now!&#160;&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • Re: Custom colors in the font/background color dialog ?

    &#160;Demo:&#160;colorpickerexample.htm&#160;Source code: &lt;html&gt;&lt;script&gt; function CallColorDlg() { var sColor = document.dlgHelper.ChooseColorDlg(); alert(sColor); } &lt;/script&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;Button onclick=''CallColorDlg()''&gt;Click Me&lt;/Button&gt; &lt;object id = ''dlgHelper'' classid = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • Re: Request for Support

    Mike,&#160;That's not a control problem.&#160;The icons background color is white.&#160;You can just modify icons, replace the background color&#160;with the transparent color.&#160;&#160;
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • Re: license file path

    Yes. You can add an&#160;an entry to your Web.config file. &#160; Example:&#160; &lt;add key=''CuteEditorLicense'' value=''c:/keys/CuteEditor.lic'' /&gt; Hop it helps. If not, please let me know.&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • How to Integrate DotNetGallery with DotNetNuke Portal V 1.0 - 2.x ?

    How to Integrate DotNetGallery with DotNetNuke Portal V 1.0 - 2.x . 1. Download DotNetGallery( from 2. Download DotNetGallery Wraper for DotNetNuke12 ( from 3. Unzip the file 4. Unzip the ...
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • Re: How do you integrate DotNetGallery w/DotNetNuke?

    Hi, Sorry for the late response. Here is the new instruction:&#160;How to Integrate DotNetGallery with DotNetNuke Portal V 1.0 - 2.x . 1. Download DotNetGallery( from 2. Download DotNetGallery Wraper for DotNetNuke12 ( from ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • Re: Cute Web Messenger on DNN 3?

    Mark,&#160; I can't reproduce this issue here. I can't figure out this today. I'll ask my co-worder check this in the weekend.&#160; Now I undersand your messenger question. There is a missing messenger button the lobbies file.;Please download the software again, locate lobbies.ascx file ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • Re: relative links

    Let&#8217;s try this.1. Click the insert link button. 3.&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160; In the URL field, if the path is relative path (../somelink), after postback, you will get a relative path. &#160;&#160;&#160; In the URL field, if the path is absolute path, after postback, you will get an absolute path.Hope it helps.Let me know if you have any ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005
  • Re: relative links

    By default Internet Explorer converts all URLs in hyperlinks (anchor tags) and images (img tags) to absolute URLs with the hostname name. When RemoveServerNamesFromUrl property is set to true (the default), CuteEditor strips out the local server name from all A and IMG tags if the hostname in the URL matches the current hostname. &#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2005