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  • Re: Error Deploying to DotNetNuke 3.0.12

    lhoward. 1. Did you install your dotnetnuke in a virtual diretory ''/DotNetNuke''? 2. Are you sure the provider folder (/DotNetNuke/Providers/) exists in your web server? 3. if 1 and 2 are both true, can you paste your web.config file?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 29, 2005
  • Re: a general question!

    Ariane,&#160;The reason is simple: For many applications and developers, those are not enough!&#160;Please check this our online demo and find out Why Cute Editor is the front runner in this highly competitive arena, why the developers switch from&#160;other online html editors to Cute ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 29, 2005
  • Re: Cutechat.lic file

    Please write to and specify the email address used when purchasing the product.&#160;&#160;
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on June 29, 2005
  • Re: And??

    &gt;&gt;But if i download the&#160; control again what happend with the .Lic file ? &#160;You need to overwrite the trial version with your own license file.&#160;&gt;&gt;And why in the boss's computer shows the icons.... ?? &#160;Please check your IIS setting.&#160;Step 1. First in the web or virtual directory properties. Go to the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 29, 2005
  • Re: And??

    Can you download the control again?&#160;;Keep me posted.&#160;&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 28, 2005
  • Re: And??;You can also find this in the Cute Editor class reference.&#160;&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 28, 2005
  • Re: CuteChat and Community Server

    Not sure why you have this problem.&#160;But you can change the link.&#160;Step 1. Open Themes/default/Skins/Skin-ForumLinkBar.ascx&#160;Step 2. Change the following code:&#160; &lt;% if( ChatWebUtility.CurrentIdentity.IsRegistered &amp;&amp; ChatWebUtility.Api.IsAdministrator(ChatWebUtility.CurrentIdentity.UniqueName)) { %&gt; &#160;| &lt;a ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on June 28, 2005
  • Re: And??

    Try set Editor.UseHttpHandlerCacheImages property to false. &#160; Keep me posted.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 28, 2005
  • Re: Enter Key Error!

    Cute Editor doesn't remove the Non-Breaking spaces. (&amp;nbsp;). Cute Editor automatically changed it to entity muber &amp;#160;. You HTML code should look like the followings: &lt;table cellSpacing=''0'' cellPadding=''3'' border=''1''&gt; &lt;tbody&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/td&gt; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on June 28, 2005
  • Re: And??

    Is this thread?&#160;;&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on June 28, 2005