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  • Re: Attach an order number to uploaded image

    How am I going to rename the image when I don't know what order number to rename it to? It needs to be identified with an order number before it is uploaded. This way I don't have a bunch of images on my server that aren't tied to individual orders.
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by bbones on July 10, 2008
  • Attach an order number to uploaded image

    Hi, Could someone tell me how I can alter the upload script to attach an order number to the image that is uploaded? The order number will be located on the previous page where the customer placed the order. The customer will then upload their images and I need a way to&nbsp;i.d. the image&nbsp;with the order. Thanks!
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by bbones on July 10, 2008