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  • Re: Supress InsertImage dialogbox

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; I know this example. It's server side, that's fine. But how do I prevent the InsertImage dialog to popup then? &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MaartenMax on March 23, 2007
  • Supress InsertImage dialogbox

    Hi, &nbsp; I want to supress the InsertImage dialog and only allow it when a condition is met. How can I do this? I try to return false but this doesn't help. &nbsp; Thank you in advance. &nbsp; This is my code: C# Editor1.Attributes[''oncommand'']= ''HandleEditorCommand(this);''; &nbsp; then the 'JavaScriptCode': function ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by MaartenMax on March 22, 2007