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  • Writing To Database

    I'm trying to implement the CuteEditor for many of my &lt;TEXTAREA&gt; form elements and hook it up to my database. I don't want to use the code in todatabse.asp file example because I've already got code for existing pages that writes to the database. I just want to display the CuteEditor for my TEXTAREA fields and have it work with the database. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by estrategy on February 1, 2007
  • Failed to load the language text from the XML file

    I just installed CuteEditor, including the site license file, and have not messed with anything. When I try to view any of the pages that use the include_CuteEditor.asp file, such as multiple.asp or simple.asp, I get an ''Failed to load the language text from the XML file'' error message.''I have not touched the include_CuteEditor.asp file at all, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by estrategy on February 1, 2007