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  • Customization of the progress bar...

    How do you change the progress bar color from the standard green? Also, is there any way to hide (not show) the &nbsp;bar that pops up mominarily after the upload is finished that has the name of the file and the green checkmark? &nbsp; Thanks..
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by kbranden on November 30, 2012
  • Re: A few questions..

    Ok, nvm..&nbsp; The reason it wasn't working was because of the..System.Drawing.Image postedImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(args.OpenStream());&nbsp; &nbsp;I have changed the method to that below and everything seems to be working much better. I'm going to test this out with large files (120meg) and if it&nbsp;works.. $$ is on the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by kbranden on January 23, 2012
  • Re: A few questions..

    Ken,&nbsp;The code above is what I am using and which still gives me the ''The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'' error.&nbsp; In case I didn't make myself clear.&nbsp;Thanks,Kevin
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by kbranden on January 23, 2012
  • Re: A few questions..

    Actually, I am doing ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by kbranden on January 20, 2012
  • A few questions..

    If you don't specify a TempDirectory in your web config. Does it just load to memory and then when you use CopyTo it just copies it from memory?&nbsp;Also, in Visual Studio running in debug mode&nbsp;(after setting a tempdirectory AND when not setting a TempDirectory) and you use the MoveTo method, I get a 'The process cannot access the file ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by kbranden on January 20, 2012