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  • Re: assigning Temporary File Folder using MvcUploader vice web.config

    yeah, I think that would work.&nbsp; the ashx file is probably saving to the default location (the one set in web.config in my case currently) only setting it in the control means it is looking for it in one spot when it was originally saved&nbsp;in the default. &nbsp; Currently I am only using the ashx file as a skeleton to handle the initial ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on January 6, 2011
  • Re: assigning Temporary File Folder using MvcUploader vice web.config

    I am using MVC so I do not use the ASP.NET webforms in my views.&nbsp; I have used the TempDirectory='''' in my controller with no effect.&nbsp; Thanks though for your answer. &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on January 1, 2011
  • Re: Using AjaxUploader with MVC 3 Razor

    Just an update on my progress.&nbsp; &nbsp; I was able to get AjaxUploader to work completely with the MVC3 RC2 Razor ViewEngine.&nbsp; The only really specific issue I had with regards to MVC3 Razor was as mentioned above.&nbsp; Although they did introduce a breaking change by introducing&nbsp;''ViewBag'' as an replacement for ViewModel (in ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on December 27, 2010
  • Anyway to bypass the UploadHandler.ashx completely?

    I am wondering if there is a way to bypass the ashx file altogether?&nbsp; I cannot seem to get rid of this file without causing major errors even though I am not using it really.&nbsp; I am assuming that it is primarily using the GetValidateOption() function from that file since Everything else I am doing is through the controller.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on December 27, 2010
  • assigning Temporary File Folder using MvcUploader vice web.config

    This is more of an academic interest at this point, but is there a way to use the TempDirectory property vice putting it in the web.config file?&nbsp; I cannot seem to get that property to work.&nbsp; The program creates a resource file called ''processing...'' for each file, but then the app craps out with saying it cannot find the generic temp ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on December 27, 2010
  • Re: MVC3 and Ajax Uploader

    Thanks all for your help.&nbsp; Part of the problem was the web.config file configuration (or not as it has been a while since I posted this).&nbsp; Doh!&nbsp; I managed to also solve my problem with rendering the html uisng the Render() method.&nbsp; I made a detailed post as to my solution.&nbsp; Would be awesome if we could get a sample for MVC ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on December 27, 2010
  • Re: Using AjaxUploader with MVC 3 Razor

    That above essentially gets the stuff rendered.&nbsp; I will post any other fixes to issues with Razor as I find them.
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on December 27, 2010
  • Using AjaxUploader with MVC 3 Razor

    Just thought I would post this for others that might be struggling with using AjaxUploader with MVC3 Razor syntax.&nbsp; The problem I have been struggling with is that Razor automatically escapes Html code which is a good security practice.&nbsp; The problem with AjaxUploader is the Uploader's Render() method which renders the html for injection ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on December 27, 2010
  • Re: MVC3 and Ajax Uploader

    Thanks guys, I have been working on other aspects of this project and getting the infrastructure down.&nbsp; I am now ready to start poking at this again.&nbsp; The nice thing is I understand mvc better now&nbsp;at least and I will be starting with a clean slate.&nbsp; Thanks for your help.
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on December 20, 2010
  • MVC3 and Ajax Uploader

    Was wondering if Ajax Uploader works with MVC 3 Beta.&nbsp; I realize it it still a beta product, but I have been working in it since about the time my program goes live, the MVC 3 will as well (or hopefully).&nbsp; In any case, I had it running pretty good in MVC 2.&nbsp; But in MVC 3 I keep getting java error complaining about a null object in ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by gustyn on November 8, 2010
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