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  • CuteEditor Customization - URGENT

    Hi, We are using Cute Editor as our html editor for our web users. We want to customize the functionality when the &#8220;BOLD&#8221; button is clicked in the CuteEditor toolbar.&nbsp; &nbsp; We have CuteEditor source code and want to know which function is called when user clicks on &#8220;BOLD&#8221; toolbar button? This is urgent and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by hnarisetty on January 26, 2009
  • Cute Editor - Issue with BOLD functionality

    Hi, We are using Cute Editor as our html editor for our web users. We are using custom style sheet for cute editor (the Style sheet attributes determines the look and feel. Ex: show text as bold, italic) Currently, we have a issue with BOLD functionality. The CSS that we have uses FONT tag attributes, where in the built in cute ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by hnarisetty on January 23, 2009