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  • Browsing and inserting Images

    Hi all, &nbsp; I've just noticed that within my CuteEditor, If I select properties on an image it then displays a dialog box... of which I am able to amend some of the properties within.&nbsp; There is also a browse button there, that when clicked takes me to what looks very much like the Image browser.&nbsp; No matter what setting I change ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by millsy54 on June 9, 2009
  • Uploading Files using CuteEditor - (ASP)

    Hi again, &nbsp; I've been trying to see if its possible to upload .ICS filetypes.&nbsp; If so how do I enable this within the config file. At the moment when I upload such files, I get a returning error saying ''files not uploaded''. &nbsp; any help is greatly appreciated &nbsp; Thanks in advance Glen :EDIT: Please Ignore this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by millsy54 on January 30, 2009
  • Inserting Images - Max image dimensions

    Hi there, &nbsp; I've been looking for a way of accomplishing this, however I have been unsuccessful thus far.&nbsp; I'm trying to restrict users uploading images with image dimensions of more than xxx * xxx. &nbsp; I've used the document help, but to no avail.&nbsp; Into my config file I have inserted 4 lines which are as ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by millsy54 on January 12, 2009