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  • Re: Next Step After PayPal Purchase

    I emailed the results to you. &#160;No error message shows. . .just a blank page--like there's nothing there. I sent you a screen cap earlier I don't know if you've received it.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by rodriguezja1974 on April 6, 2005
  • Re: Next Step After PayPal Purchase

    Thank you Adam. I did finally get the license file. However, when I replaced the trial license file, the editor does not show--as if I am still not licensed. Now, I am using DNN 3.0.12. I kept the current install of cutesoft editor and merely replaced the cuteeditor.lic file located in the DNN /bin directory. But did not seem to have any effect at ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by rodriguezja1974 on April 6, 2005
  • Next Step After PayPal Purchase

    &#160;&#160;&#160;I just purchased the small business license for CuteSoft .NET editor using PayPal. What's the next step to get this activated so I can continue using it on my DNN site (I installed the demo and my 30 days is up so I need to get it activated with the new ilicense).&#160;Thanks!!!
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by rodriguezja1974 on April 6, 2005