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  • Re: Use FONT TAGS Size isn't PIXELS - Help

    I can post the cuteeditor result to an XML file and flash reads it fine.&nbsp; Flash considers a FONT TAG SIZE to be in PIXELS, but cuteeditor thinks the size related to some other units so size = 3 in CuteEditor might be 18px, so it appears huge in cuteeditor and on my&nbsp;html version of the page, but my flash page considers size = 3 to be ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by cutecassie on July 10, 2008
  • Use FONT TAGS Size isn't PIXELS - Help

    I am using cuteeditor to create content for an XML file that is read by flash.&nbsp; I would like CuteEditor to think that Size 12 is 12 Pixels, but instead it thinks it's HUGE like 36px.&nbsp; Is there a way to change the units.&nbsp; Flash thinks Size=12 from a XML is 12 pixels.&nbsp; Is this a Flash problem or is this a setting I can change in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by cutecassie on July 9, 2008