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  • Server side exception : failed to image_name.jpg

    Hi all,&nbsp;I have a problem with CuteEditor when trying to uploading images. I have ip licence.&nbsp;I have a control panel with its own login system cookies/mySql/php programmed.&nbsp;To run CuteEditor inside my control panel I did these changes:&nbsp;1) in the main file &nbsp;include_CuteEditor.php at the beginning I inserted this code instead ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Elaidon on November 22, 2010
  • Re: What license?

    yes your are right. The original idea it is to have a centrized control panel on the main site where each customer can access only its site manager with its own account data. In this situation the editor is always on the main domain and I will save any edited text to a database. &nbsp; I don't think there is a problem of security in this way.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Elaidon on June 30, 2008
  • What license?

    Dear Sir, &nbsp; I read your license description but I do not understand which could be the right one for me. I am not english so I will be great to you if you will answer me with a simple english. &nbsp; I am a php programmer and I have my businnes with my vpn server to develop sites for my customers. Before I have an html editor component ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Elaidon on June 30, 2008