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  • cuteeditor: how to save images and files in 2 server in load balancing

    Hi, we have a developer license of cuteeditor for .net &nbsp; Is it possibile to set the editor to save images and files into two different web server that are in load balancing? &nbsp; The editor is inside a CMS that run on onlny one web server, the other is in the same local network and can be called with \\IP ADDRESS\DIR &nbsp; Thank you ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by netsiner on July 4, 2008
  • info for Purchase Cute Editor for .NET

    Hi, we have tested Cute Editor for .NET and we are already to buy it. We would like to better understand the difference between Redistribution License and Developer License. We need to install Cute Editor for .NET on one developer machine inside our company and integrate Cute Editor for .NET in one our web applications. These web ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by netsiner on June 3, 2008