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  • Access Database Issue With Cute Live Support....

    Hi All, I'm using cute live support for my website. Previously I was using SQL Server but i faced lot of problems so I switched to MS Access...But Again it is giving some issues.... &nbsp;&nbsp; I deleted agent and tried to add new agen using same name, it is not taking.... I tried to add multiple agens for a department, it is giving ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by amardhembare on July 3, 2008
  • Resource Usage on Server

    Hello, I'm using cute live support ....I'm facing multiple problems on both server and operator side.... &nbsp; On server side there is lot of resource usage (100% CPU usage of w3wp.exe)&nbsp;from the time I'd kept cute live support web application there....and on operator side there are frequent dissconnects and operator machine hangs ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by amardhembare on June 2, 2008