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  • Re: ImageGalleryPath

    Thanks for the quick reply. This example shows to write the absolute path while displaying the path. But how can we specify the absolute path for uploading the images. Suppose user of my application wnt to upload some pictures on the same directory. How can we specify that? Thanks in advance,
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by madhukarchaubey on May 23, 2008
  • ImageGalleryPath

    Hi, I am using CuteEditor for .Net. I want to set the absolute path for my images. Currently I have set this path as c://images in the default.config file as well as admin.config. But I am planning to put my images in a web server and want to set the imapge path to the absolute path of the server say: http://myweserverserver/images &nbsp; But ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by madhukarchaubey on May 22, 2008