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  • Got some questions... Need some answers

    1.&#160;Is it possible to make users recently kicked from a room able to log&#160;right back in?&#160;&#160;2. Is it possible to NOT have text that has been said in the chat before you joined come up when you enter the chat?&#160;We're looking for a chat where you can clear its history for the users. If 1 and 2 are possible we could just close ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Faronson on January 7, 2005
  • Re: Questions about the chat

    So if I want to close a chatroom with people in it I need to set the room as not public and then kick everyone manually from the room?&#160;For how long are they kicked? When do the kick timeout? Cause the kick itself is not saved in the database.
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Faronson on December 16, 2004
  • Questions about the chat

    The company I work for are in need of a chat for a website for kids with parents with mental illnesses. The chat is supposed to only be open a couple of hours a week and with a trained&#160;psychiatrist as administer.&#160; We have downloaded the trial version of the chat and got the sample application to work. Weve tried different kinds of ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Faronson on December 15, 2004