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  • Re: Inserting Image

    Nope. Didn't help. Inserted the following on Page_Load(): &nbsp; string phyfolder = Server.MapPath(''~/images/Users/'' + Request.Cookies[''rvUsername''].Value + ''/''); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(phyfolder); ItemEditor.SecurityPolicyFile = ''default.config''; ItemEditor.Setting[''security:ImageGalleryPath''] = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by northflacomps on August 3, 2005
  • Inserting Image

    You have tons of examples of what you can do. But you don't show us how to do them... pretty pathetic for how much you charge for this. &nbsp; I need to do like in the Programmatic Security example where each user has it's own folder for Images. How do I do this??
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by northflacomps on August 3, 2005