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  • entering a query string

    hello, &nbsp; I need to be able to enter a query string into an href, however the editor changes my '&amp;' between varibles to a '&amp;amp;' &nbsp; eg. I enter &nbsp; &lt;a href=';var2=world'&gt;ddd&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp; which turns into &nbsp; &lt;a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by martonhouse on August 23, 2005
  • Re: Can't copy or paste in HTML view

    Ah... have found the problem.&#160; I had a javascript function to keep focus on the editor.&#160; function keepFocused() { self.focus(); setTimeout('keepFocused()',10); } keepFocused(); Have taken this out and all is well.&#160;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by martonhouse on April 11, 2005
  • Can't copy or paste in HTML view

    Hello,&#160;I can't copy or paste in HTML view.&#160; Everything works fine in Normal view, however when i right mouse button in HTML view the only options i can use is Undo and Select All.&#160; ctrl + v and ctrl + c do not work either. I have all the contextmenu values as ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by martonhouse on April 11, 2005