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  • Re: Contact and Support

    All sorted now got Adam in the chat room THX
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by iainwood on November 30, 2004
  • Contact and Support

    Could someone tell me how you can contact cutesoft - I want to ask some questions about the product i purchased, but have not recieved any feedback from my e-mails at all -Not even a ''we are looking into it'' email. I am still waiting for my Licence!!!&#160;I have been sat in the support forum for a while now and there is no one there.&#160;Also ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by iainwood on November 30, 2004
  • Re: putting the HTML in a database

    ok for any other noobs&#160;in dreamweaver you have to change the input paramaters in the macromedia code so that it is not request.form to get the info but editor.text.&#160;&#160;man i am such a dumbass sometimes&#160;:)
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by iainwood on November 29, 2004
  • putting the HTML in a database

    Hi&#160;having a bit of a problem I'm using dreamweaver, but this has also been tested with Visual Studio and webmatrix &#160;I've set up input of the editor to a mssql database&#160;but it is putting in some wierd stuff i cant get out&#160;hello world in bold comes out as&#160;#1#7tr#5ng#2H#9ll#5 W#5rld#1/#7tr#5ng#2 &#160;Help?&#160;Iain
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by iainwood on November 29, 2004