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  • Re: Customizing Cute Chat

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; Thanks for your answer, but I am quite confused &nbsp; I am installing cute chat , as Sharepoint portal server Web Part, and de folder CutechatSample, that de set up file create, has one web.config, and it has also another folder CuteChat that has another Web.Config. &nbsp; I tried to change there de logoUrl, but it doesnยดt ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Helen on November 10, 2004
  • Customizing Cute Chat

    Hello, &nbsp; I need to know how can I change the look and feel of the chat interface, include your own banners, change font or background colors, remove banners, labels, include company logo and etc.... &nbsp; Thanks
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Helen on November 9, 2004