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  • Re: IMG Dialog

    Thanks for your reply.&nbsp; Unfortunately, I'm seeing that do_preview() is undefined.&nbsp; &nbsp; What I'm doing is providing an alternate Browse function, which allows the user to select images from a remote location.&nbsp; Once they select an image, a call is made to the following custom function on tag_image.ascx: &nbsp; &nbsp; function ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by chprpipr on March 25, 2008
  • IMG Dialog

    I am working on some customizations for the IMG dialog popup where I programmatically change some of the values of the input boxes (url, width &amp; height).&nbsp; However I see that clicking ''OK'' isn't what updates the editor, but keypresses within the input boxes.&nbsp; What function needs to be called to update the image in the editor?&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by chprpipr on March 24, 2008