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  • Re: Issues with PasteWord

    Adam,Thanks for the replies, but....&#160;1) ExecCommand_CleanCode() only gives me an ''Object doesn't support this property or method'' javascript error.&#160;2) I understand about the apostrophe, but what we are are trying to eliminate is all Microsoft specific characters, such as those used in word.&#160;3) Right-click -&gt; Edit -&gt; Paste ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mw371r on March 28, 2005
  • Issues with PasteWord

    I have three issues I need help with.&#160;1) I need to know how call the word cleanup function (from the code cleaner dialog) without opening the dialog first.&#160; Same with the font cleaner.&#160; What I want to be able to do is allow a user to click a ''Word cleanup'' button, and have just that function run.&#160;2) I need to know if there is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mw371r on March 28, 2005