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  • Re: Alter messages

    Never mind! I solved it myself :-) Script/ChatUI.js row: 1813...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by jonpen on March 25, 2008
  • Alter messages

    Hi, I'm evaluating CuteChat 4.1 and now I have to alter the messages just before they show up in&nbsp;one of the recipients message window. I need for instance to alter the font-size to a fixed font-size regardless of the font-size in the incoming message ... &nbsp; I understand that this is not by default and that I have to code, but if ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by jonpen on March 25, 2008
  • Re: Filter chat messages

    I'm afraid that&nbsp;moderated chat&nbsp;will not solve my problem because&nbsp;users should be able to chat with each other without a moderator.&nbsp;What I&#180;m looking for is an option&nbsp;for a user (teacher) to see&nbsp;the messages directed to him without using a moderated chat. &nbsp; I thought about a checkbox in the chat window...but ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by jonpen on February 23, 2008
  • Filter chat messages

    Hi, is it possible to filter chat messages (programmatically and/or manually) so that messages&nbsp;directed to me show up in my window but no other messages? The scenario: a bunch of students and a teacher joins the same chat room...the teacher is only interested in questions directed to him... &nbsp; br Jonnie
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by jonpen on February 22, 2008