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  • Re: Editor adding unwanted /-tags

    In which file do I put the code? I have tried in EditPage.php, in EditPageAction.php and in my index, but no change. Where is this function called? When I input content in editor in HTML-mode, then switch to Normal, and then back to HTML, I can see that the unwanted tags are added, even if I have not saved the page. Can the editor be set ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by AnneCE on December 12, 2008
  • Re: Editor adding unwanted /-tags

    We have tested this, but not with success so far. Can you provide me with an example? In which file&nbsp;should I&nbsp;input the code? Can you provide me with&nbsp;details about the function calls?&nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by AnneCE on December 1, 2008
  • Editor adding unwanted /-tags

    When I input code in html-mode and save, I can see that the editor have added code that I do not want. Example: I input&nbsp;&lt;img alt='''' src=''img/image.jpg''&gt;, and after save this is displayed: &lt;img alt='''' src=''img/image.jpg'' /&gt;. Character&nbsp;/ is added at the end. Is there a way where I can get rid of this extra tag? ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by AnneCE on November 20, 2008