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You will notice that the generater HTML contains a repetition of the exact code for rendering ONE editor.<!-- CuteEditor Editor1 Begin -->
<input type=hidden name='Editor1:ClientState' value=''/><input type=hidden name='Editor1:PostBackHandler'/><link rel=''stylesheet'' ...
Actually one of my fellow engineers found it by chance :)
I have a similar issue: I need to set the text of the editor on window load, on the client side.
I used function window.onload()
var editor1=document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>'); var editdoc=editor1.GetDocument(); editdoc.body.innerHTML=unescape('some ...
While customizing the toolbar, I added ''InsertTable'' as given in the Developer Guide->Toolbar overview. But this particular button doesnt appear. Is there a typo?
I am trying to get something like this:
<a id=''test'' name=''test''>some text<a>
I know usually an anchor tag doesnt have any encapsulated text in it. But I am developing a ''table of contents'' control and I need to automatically pick up anchors, with some text to display as the toc title. Eg: My toc would pick up ''some text'' ...
The code of my ASPX follows.However, I added a new project, and re-added all my ASPX pages to the new project and the two-editor problem disappeared. And yes, I removed all the previous cute editor client files and dll files etc. Thanks. <%@ Page language=''c#'' Codebehind=''am_AddText.aspx.cs'' AutoEventWireup=''false'' ...
When I press ''backspace'' or ''delete'' to erase a block of text, if the block contains any formatting, the formatting tags remains unerased. There's no way to get rid of them, unless I switch to HTML mode. Is this a known Bug?
For example, I if I type some text, make it bold, and erase the text, the tags ...
I recently downloaded the latest version of the cuteeditor (because we were using a previous version for some time, and thought that the new editor has better functionality) , and after adding the reference to the new dll, I started seeing two ditors, one below the other every time i add ONE editor to a page.
I tried adding an editr to a ...
I copy a block of text, and click ''Paste From Word'' button on the editor, and my page that contains the editor (a modal dialog) refreshes with the Text pasted on the Page, not the Editor. The editor's text box remains empty :( I can paste the same text block using the ''Paste'' button, although then the editor doesnt clean up some of the ...
If you use the paste from word button to paste a block of text it pastes outside the editor and messes the page up. I have to use the CE on a page that pops up in a modal dialog, and return the text to the parent page using client scripting.
I created a host of custom functions for the CE3 which we used so far, but I am not sure what's the way to ...