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  • Re: Editor removes "" from tag attribute values

    Ok, problem solved.....or should I say there was no problem.....the editor only displays&#160;no quotation marks in HTML mode, but does not change the code/text when you for instance save it to a database.....nice to know.....!!!....have anybody else&#160;had that ''problem'' too or is it just me??......since the DevelopersGuide says nothing about ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Claus on August 22, 2005
  • Editor removes "" from tag attribute values

    Hi, I have a problem....I set the UseRelativeLinks attribute to false, and paste in some HTML while the editor is in HTML mode. &nbsp; I then switch to Normal mode to&nbsp;do some editing&nbsp;and then go back to HTML mode. Now the code is not formattet (no indents) and tag attribute values have lost their quotation: vAlign=''top'' -&gt; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Claus on August 18, 2005
  • Upgrading CuteEditor 3.0

    Hi, my company resently bought a developer licence for CuteEditor 3.0 .NET (13. oktober 2004, FormIT), my question is can I upgrade to 4.0 and still use the same licence? If so, where can&#160;I download a copy of&#160;CuteEditor that's not a demo? &#160;Kind Regards&#160;Claus L&#248;ber
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by Claus on December 6, 2004