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  • Re: License file

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; please send the email to &nbsp; Sorry about the hassle. &nbsp; Thanx, Mattijs.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by mateiz on September 13, 2004
  • Re: License file

    Hi, &nbsp; did you send me a large file by change? Over 10 mb? If that's the case, I've removed the limit of incoming messages. &nbsp; Thanx, Mattijs.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by mateiz on September 12, 2004
  • License file DOTNETEDIT -> CuteEdit

    Hi, &nbsp; I just bought the redistribution license from and have just noticed that it's been merged to CuteSoft from August 1st. &nbsp; Can you please convert my license you the Cutesoft one? &nbsp; I registered under When needed I will e-mail you the license file. &nbsp; Thanx, M. Wilms.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by mateiz on September 12, 2004