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  • Re: Custom file provider

    Yes I have used it as a template for my own implementation. I discovered that the problem is that CE expects the GetImage file to be in the same directory as the ImageEditor. That is why it did not work. You should implement functionality to allow the image editor to work with relative urls for the gallery... When I return that the Image can be ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davgut on September 11, 2007
  • Leave my script alone!?!?!?

    I am trying to add very simple script to a text box to allow only numerical input like this: &nbsp; &lt;input type=''text'' onkeypress=''if ((event.keyCode &lt; 48) || (event.keyCode&nbsp;&gt; 57)) event.returnValue = false;'' size=3 name=quantityOrdered/&gt; &nbsp; However when I save the code to the database it returns like ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davgut on September 11, 2007
  • Custom file provider

    Hi! &nbsp; I am having difficulties getting my custom file provider to work. I am using relative links to images in my ''design'' site so that the html created can beused in any host ''header''. When using the Image gallery and Insert image buttons, I do not see my images in the preview area, and the ''settings'' for the image are not displayed. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davgut on September 8, 2007