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  • Re: type link in the hyperlink information window

    The script&nbsp;works fine to auto select http:// as type. The url is still then and not . &nbsp; This i also have set : RemoveServerNamesFromUrl=''true'' UseRelativeLinks=''true'' This works fine when typing in the editor itself . &nbsp; So what does not work is typing an url like ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Koen_L on September 27, 2007
  • Re: type link in the hyperlink information window

    When using this example it works fine when you type a url like;in the editor itself. But i am talking about the hyperlink information window where you can select Type : http:// , https:// , ftp:// , news:// ,... . &nbsp; I want to set it standard to http:// and don't leave my users the choice between them. Using ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Koen_L on September 26, 2007
  • Re: type link in the hyperlink information window

    If you set URLType property to Absolute, Cute Editor will automatically convert the URL to full path. &nbsp; Where can i find this function ?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Koen_L on September 26, 2007
  • type link in the hyperlink information window

    Hi , &nbsp; I would like to set the type (http://) as standard in the hyperlink information window . Because i assume that my users will not type a full url and don't understant the differnce between the available types . &nbsp; How can i set this as a fixed value ? &nbsp; Greetings
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Koen_L on September 25, 2007
  • Deleting images on a page and folder .

    I need to create a function in c#&nbsp;for deleting images on a specific page. This has to happen on the page but also in the folder ( /uploads ) . &nbsp; So i would like to know if a image (or images)&nbsp;is uploaded on a specific page . I need a function to do this . A Js function or maybe in the code behind .
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Koen_L on August 27, 2007