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  • Re: email

    Adam, Thanx when will be the next version available? Where will the Transcript is getting stored????? Adam,My appliaction is an Online Hotel Booking ...If the clinet is logging in , I want to get that client ID from session and I want to store the info of their chat with our operators in db..and i wnat to email the same to client and ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by mah123nv on June 9, 2007
  • email

    twodays back I downloaded ,Its working fine for me,Actually Myrequirements is after the chat got over ,I want to send the chat message as an email...wthether it is possible,,,...I am not able to search the message Transcript agent wise/client wise in DB help me
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by mah123nv on June 7, 2007