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  • Creating Chat Rooms from Code

    Hi, &nbsp; Our application requires us to be able to create chat rooms from code and then to allow a specific group of&nbsp;members to access this chat room until they have finished that they are doing, at which point the rooms is destroyed. &nbsp; I have been hunting through the samples and documenation for how to do this , but no luck. Does ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by KeithT on April 23, 2007
  • Integration Issues

    Hi, &nbsp; I am evaluating cute chat for integrating into an existing site and despite following the instructions am having problems. &nbsp; 1. Conntection String. We have an existing database which uses the ''connection string'' key. I have run the sql script on this database and the cute chat stuff is now in it. When I try to run with an ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by KeithT on April 23, 2007