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  • Re: Add a caption to an image

    We're trying to setup a community journalism initiative where people with little or no web skills could submit simple articles to us.&nbsp;&nbsp; These articles might contain one or more photos with captions and credits beneath them, and these have to conform to our style (we're a newspaper and my bosses are very particular about style).&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jfarr on April 19, 2007
  • Re: Add a caption to an image

    I'm trying to add captions to my images as well, but your suggestion above isn't working.&nbsp; It puts the text in the ALT field but what I really need to do is something like this: &nbsp; This is a photo caption for this photo. &nbsp; Any ideas on how I might do that?&nbsp; The photo and caption are generally left- or right-aligned within ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jfarr on April 18, 2007