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  • overriting the table in the dataset

    Hello &nbsp; &nbsp;I want to overrite the table stored in the dataset , &nbsp; but when I do this it is showing the content of &nbsp; &nbsp;the old table not new one .please suggest me the solution. &nbsp; &nbsp; With Best Regards &nbsp; Renuka Popli &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by renuka_popli on February 21, 2007
  • Cross domain access permission denied Error with IE7

    Hi &nbsp;I am getting the problem of permission Denied java script&nbsp;&nbsp;error &nbsp; during the cross domain access with IE7.So can please give me some &nbsp; guidance to solve the problem. &nbsp; followin are the lines where I got the error--&gt; &nbsp; editdoc.body.innerHTML = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by renuka_popli on February 20, 2007
  • Permission Denied Error with IE7

    Hello &nbsp; I'm trying to use your excelent product in my corporate's application built using ASP.NET I installed Cute Editor for ASP.NET on my app and included it in a web form &nbsp; When I open that web page with IE&nbsp;7 the browser signals a Javascript Eror Permission Denied... then it does not allow me to do anything &nbsp; how ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by renuka_popli on February 20, 2007