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  • Re: Live Demo?

    Is it possible I can see it from the operator's side too? &nbsp; -s-
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by stcrim on January 15, 2007
  • Re: Live Support White Lable Version? ISP or Application Service Version?

    I am thinking more about the enterprise license.&nbsp; What we want to do is offer this service to our clients for their websites but hosted on our serviers. &nbsp; When you have ten websites on one install of Live Support, are all of the operators and all the reporting, etc separate from each other? &nbsp; -s-
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by stcrim on January 15, 2007
  • Re: Refers with Keyphrase and GeoLocation

    Do you have any plans in the furture in include keywords and keyphrases with the search engine refers? &nbsp; If someone enters a website from a search engine and the operator knows that person was looking for red apples, it can be very helpful when engaging them. &nbsp; -s-
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by stcrim on January 15, 2007
  • Refers with Keyphrase and GeoLocation

    Does Cute Live Support track and show the referring URLs?&nbsp; And, if from a search engine does it show the key-terms used to reach the site?&nbsp; Can or is this information stored for later reporting?&nbsp; Is there any type of email system that can auto deliver those reeports daily? &nbsp; Does Cute Live Support track the IP GeoLocation ...
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by stcrim on January 14, 2007
  • Push Chat Invite?

    When a chat invite is pushed to a site visitor is it in a layer or a standard, often blocked pop-up, or ar both options available? &nbsp; Can the invite the customized on the fly such as - I see you are looking at our red apples page, may I tell you more about them? &nbsp; -s-
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by stcrim on January 14, 2007
  • Live Demo?

    Is there a live demo available somewhere for Cute Live Support? &nbsp; -s-
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by stcrim on January 14, 2007
  • Live Support White Lable Version? ISP or Application Service Version?

    Can Cute Live Support be white labeled?&nbsp; Also, is there a version that could serve as an Application Service Provider?&nbsp; In other words, install one application but serve multiple clients? &nbsp; -s-
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by stcrim on January 14, 2007
  • Enterprise License Questions

    Is the Enterprise License sort of like an ISP or Application Service Provider License with the exception that it allows the software to only be installed on domains under the control of the company with the license? &nbsp; Does it allow the holder of the license to provide support (Cute Live Support) for domains outside their ...
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by stcrim on January 14, 2007