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  • ASP.Net Editor - Word Issue pls help

    How to fix the below issue in .net Editor when copying from the word&nbsp; Pops up an window and when&nbsp; yes is selected it copies the data and when posted it displays only the first line of the text.Rest of the text doesn't display. &nbsp; When we select cancel it works fine how to resolve this Pop up. &nbsp; &nbsp; Pls help me to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sayjoo2005 on January 23, 2007
  • Usage of Image Gallery & Thumb Size

    &nbsp; 1. In one website how many places I can use this thumb nail is there any limit or restriction. &nbsp; 2. Can I&nbsp;edit the Thumbnail size or it is fixed? If can be changed where and how pls explain? &nbsp;
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by sayjoo2005 on November 2, 2006