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  • Can I change the Images in toolbar to larger one

    &nbsp; Hi All &nbsp; &nbsp;Good Product!! &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Actually I want to increase the width of the images in tool bar. &nbsp; Or &nbsp; &nbsp;If i&nbsp; customise my own button then can i call InsertImages or Insert Templates &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kiranpanjala on September 23, 2006
  • Re: Help Needed!!! Context Menu

    &nbsp; Hi Adam, Thanks for your help, I could resolve the CSS File loading But still i did not understand custom context menu issue. Let me give you the scenario which i'm looking at. &nbsp; I need a context menu which has just one main item say ''INSERT'' and when user moves the mouse cursor on it, it should display submenu say ''ONE'' , ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kiranpanjala on September 23, 2006
  • Help Needed!!! Context Menu

    Hi All, &nbsp; I have two questions &nbsp; 1. Is there a way to create a customised Context Menu? I want to create a Context menu where i have my own controls/text items in themenus. &nbsp; 2. Is there a way, i can have a dropdown box in the toolbar with my pre-defined values populated into it so that i can use the same ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kiranpanjala on September 22, 2006
  • Help Needed in using CuteSoft control in my Aspx page!!!!!

    Hi All, &nbsp; can Anybody guide me to use the cutesoft editor control in my Aspx page. Also, can you give me the path to download the Cutesoft editor control. &nbsp; &nbsp; Thanks in advance &nbsp; &nbsp; Kiran
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by kiranpanjala on September 10, 2006