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  • continued

    I have checked this further. When I do a line return to make a clear line in the middle of a load of text and then select a new colour and continue typing, the following text also changes colour. The action of changing text colour removes a line break. See below where I typed the word red in the middle of a block of text. I can now no longer ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kasilof on July 12, 2006
  • alignment and font style issue

    Hi Folks &nbsp; Can you help me with a problem. As in Microsoft word we want the text editor to show the selected alignment options and font choice prior to typing text in. Example, with no text typed in if I select centre and a different font and size it doesnt show the chosen selection until I start to type. I know this sounds a bit ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kasilof on July 12, 2006