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  • Re: Delete from disk programatically added AttachmentItem

    &nbsp;I found it: &nbsp; Using fs As FileStream = File.OpenRead(path) &nbsp;&nbsp; UploadAttachment1.Items.Add(filesize, filename, fs) End Using &nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by prueba2387 on February 19, 2014
  • Delete from disk programatically added AttachmentItem

    Hi Ken, &nbsp; In the end I have come with an embarrasingly simple solution: &nbsp; UploadAttachments.Items.Add method + AttachmentItem.ClientData property &nbsp; The simplest, the best. &nbsp; However, I have a problem when trying to remove from disk an&nbsp;attachment added this way.&nbsp;The file is being used by another process is ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by prueba2387 on February 19, 2014
  • Re: Avoid reload after UploadCompleted

    &nbsp;Hello, &nbsp; I can hide the submit button, of course. May be I did not explain myself clearly: &nbsp; I select a file to upload and press ok. The progress bar gets to the end. Right now, a postback is automatically fired which creates the queue table. I want to avoid this postback. &nbsp; I tried this too, but no luck: &lt;script ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by prueba2387 on February 18, 2014
  • Re: Avoid reload after UploadCompleted

    Hi&nbsp;Ken, &nbsp; Thanks for replying so soon. &nbsp; 1. I&#39;m already using it inside an UpdatePanel, but this does not avoid the panel from being reloaded. I know it because I&#39;m using an UpdateProgress too, which is being fired. And the real problem, I can post the form until the reload ends. &nbsp; 2. No, I don&#39;t want to ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by prueba2387 on February 17, 2014
  • Avoid reload after UploadCompleted

    &nbsp;Hi, &nbsp; I want to avoid reloading the page after all files have been uploaded. I have tried UploadAttachments1.GetItemsTable().Visible = False on Page_Load event, but no luck. &nbsp; Any help appreciated. Thanks&nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by prueba2387 on February 17, 2014